Evaro (formerly Wellington Aftercare Association) supports Wellingtonians living with intellectual disabilities.
In its 90-year history it has undergone a number of changes as far as service delivery and design but at its heart has always undertaken to support individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families in what would be considered “best practice” for its time.
Our focus is to equip people with disabilities with the tools to participate in all aspects of our community by supporting their choices of where they live, learn, work, and socialise.

We improve lives
We help our members to:
- Gain confidence
- Feel more empowered and enabled
- Increase the lifestyle choices available to them
- Improve ordinary life outcomes
Our day programme
Our core service provides a programme for our members to attend 9am-3pm weekdays.
The Evaro programme is innovative and fun. It provides an exciting environment where our membership/families and whanau can explore new interests, socialise, and have fresh experiences.
Our members and their families and whanau play a vital role in planning programmes and activities at Evaro.
Each member chooses a programme individualised to their interests and developmental needs. Yearly goals and achievements are set to identify whether our programmes have delivered on expectations.
Our programme is based on the following key approaches:
- Life Skills
- Health and Well being
- Community Experiences
- Interpersonal Skills
- Self Expression
- Building Confidence